Em 1986, no México, havia novamente o sonho do tetracampeonato, sobretudo por ter sido no México em 1970 que a seleção conquistara o tricampeonato. Havia esperança de um ótimo desempenho e o sonho do campeonato. Porém, a seleção foi derrotada pela França nas quartas de final por 4 a 3.
No voleibol masculino, a seleção brasileira sob o comando de Bebeto de Freitas conquistou os fãs da década com as honrosas vitórias sobre a Seleção Soviética, a melhor do mundo na época. Destaque para os jogadores Bernard, Xandó, William, Renan, Badalhoca e Montanaro, que após participarem da final olímpica de 1984 em Los Angeles ficaram conhecidos como membros da Geração de Prata.
Em 1984, em Los Angeles (EUA) foi a vez do boicote soviético em resposta ao boicote anterior.
Em 1988, em Seul as duas delegações voltaram a se encontrar e disputar as diversas modalidades esportivas.
This type of sport was booming at the beginning of the decade with the euphoria of the World Cup hosted in Spain. The Brazilian nicknamed Canarinho championships won since the first was the favorite for the title of champion and complete four wins and would then call The Selection of Tetra. Coached by Tele Santana, and stars of Zico, Falcao, Socrates, Eder and Junior (the players with the highest expression at the time), the Brazilian has not passed the quarter-final defeat by Italy with a 3-2 score in a game difficult and tense.
In 1986, Mexico had the dream of a fourth championship again, especially for being in Mexico in 1970 that the selection had won the third championship. There was hope of a great performance and the dream of the championship. However, the selection was defeated by France in the quarter finals by 4-3.
This type of sport was on the rise with the excellent performances of male and female teams. In women's volleyball, Brazil stood out by winning the South American Championship by defeating the Selection of Peru (one of the best performing selections at the time) in Sao Bernardo do Campo breaking a hegemony that lasted more than a decade. Highlight for females Elizabeth, Jacqueline and Vera Mossa. This achievement paved the Brazil for the Olympics in Los Angeles in 1984 where he won a good position.
In men's volleyball, the Brazilian team under the command of Bebeto de Freitas won fans of the decade with the honorable victories over Soviet Union squad, the world's best at the time. Highlight for players Bernard, Xander, William, Renan, and Badalhoca Montanaro, who after participating in the 1984 Olympic final in Los Angeles were known as members of Generation Silver.
In the 1980 Olympics in Moscow (USSR) did not count with the participation of U.S. athletes due to boycott by the USA. For the first time in history this happened and scored a political dispute in a sports competition.
In 1984, Los Angeles (USA) came the Soviet boycott in response to the boycott before.
In 1988, in Seoul the two delegations met again and play the sports.